Salary Cap:
A franchise may not exceed $100m player payroll budget at any time during the season for any reason -- the only exception being Rule V compensation. If you lose player(s) in the Rule V draft you ARE ALLOWED to use the entirety of your Player Payroll which means you could theoretically exceed $100m with the player fees received for losing players in Rule V. Punishment for accidental violation of the cap is $1m off next year's salary cap. For over-budgeting at the start of the year, franchises in violation must simply transfer player payroll back to $100m or less. Willfully violating the rule will result in removal from the league.
Minor Leagues:
Teams should make every effort to maintain their minor league systems, particularly their pitching staffs, or are subject to being voted out by a majority of voting owners. Obviously this is hard to enforce and everyone forgets from time to time. If you see a game that has you in a 30-run shootout, speak up so we can address the problem.
Minimum Win Requirement:
Owners losing 200 games or more over the course of 2 seasons will be removed from the league. A rolling chart of wins required for all owners can be found
here. For example, a franchise with a record of 62-100 must have a record of AT LEAST 63-99 the following season. Current Wins Needed is calculated as follows:
162 - ( 199 - [prev. losses] )
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